Empower your
teaching with SAM

Automate your course marketing with Smart Automated Marketing - SAM. Spend your time on what you do best – teaching.
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Why choose SAM?


Maximize your marketing efforts by reaching more customers with less effort and cost.

Top-level optimization

Streamline your marketing process: we identify the best channels to get your message to your target audience.

Analytics and reporting

Unlock the data you need to refine your marketing strategy and ensure you reach the right people.

How SAM works

Marketing your course can be challenging

Struggling to market your online course? Learn why it can be a challenge and how to overcome it.

Time limits

Struggling to find time for marketing while teaching.

Overwhelmed with course preparation and student engagement.

Boost your course now

Marketing expertise

Unsure of where to start with marketing your online courses.

Confused by the multitude of marketing channels and tactics

Boost your course now

Technical skills

Difficulty navigating complex digital marketing tools and platforms.

Lack of knowledge in setting up effective online advertising campaigns.

Boost your course now

Ready to boost your course?

Ready to take your course to the next level? Unlock SAM’s power and start boosting your course today!
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