Speak to your community.

Help us make our podcasting feature designed specifically for educators and coaches the best it can be!
Take 2 minutes to fill out our survey and give us your feedback.

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Benefits of starting a podcast

Enhance student engagement, grow your personal brand, and extend your reach beyond the classroom.

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Reach a wider audience

Share your knowledge and expertise with a global audience, expanding your reach beyond the classroom.
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Build your personal brand

Establish yourself as a thought leader and authority in your field, enhancing your professional reputation and career prospects.

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Engage your students

Supplement your classroom instruction with a new medium to help your students connect and learn from you.

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Create evergreen content

Podcasts can be recorded and accessed anytime, creating a library of long-lasting content for your audience.

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Deeper connections

Share knowledge and experiences with your students and other educators to create a strong community.

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New revenue streams

Generate income through sponsorships, advertising, or paid subscriptions, by having a potential new revenue stream.

We want to hear from you

Share your ideas and feedback on how we can create the ultimate podcasting platform for educators.

Take the survey now