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Tips for creating an online course trailer

Online Course Trailers – 7 Tips for Creating Great Trailers

How important it is to create an Online Course Trailer? The answer might surprise you.

Scrisul terapeutic

Scrisul terapeutic – Vino să îți scrii viața pe care vrei să o trăiești!

Știai că scrisul poate să fie terapeutic? Vino să descoperi cum să îți scrii viața pe care vrei să o trăiești! Creierul este șeful nostru! Acolo se află cheia pentru decizii, gândire și soluții. Scrisul este o modalitate puternică prin care putem să explorăm și să influențăm lumea noastră interioară, precum și să comunicăm cu…

Steps to creating online courses

7 Steps to creating online courses easily

In today’s digital world, online courses have emerged as a popular means of sharing knowledge with a global audience.

Beautiful women creating online courses

How to create online courses in 8 simple steps

The demand for online courses has soared to new heights. The accessibility and flexibility of online learning have made online courses an increasingly popular choice for people seeking to learn new skills or expand their knowledge.  With the rise of AI, we see an increased need to learn new skills and adapt to the disruption…

Life – Ups and downs

Life, such a wonderful thing with it's ups and downs... Beautiful and wonderful people, I've had a busy couple of days with some traveling between cities and shit, so I'm going to tell you some of the things I've been through and then I'll philosophize a little bit about it. I made one trip to retrieve…

Can we grow muscle mass with bodyweight exercises only?

How do we grow our muscle mass with bodyweight exercises only? Does it happen to you that you can't get to the gym, or get there quite rarely?

3 reasons why you are hungry, even after eating

"Why am I hungry soon after I eat, especially when I try to eat healthy?" That is a question that one of my friends recently asked me. If you also feel this, then rest assured. It happens sometimes, especially when we try to lose weight.  I know this can feel wrong and force many people…


Ce inseamna a manipula

Ce inseamna "A manipula"? Cât de mult ești în controlul vieții tale? Te-ai întrebat asta vreodată? Adică poate crezi că ești în perfect control. Dar de fapt…mulți oameni din viața ta te manipulează. Ți-ai pus problema dacă se întâmplă asta? Și mai exact, cum? Nu mă refer numai la manipulatorii ăia foarte răi, narcisiști și…


Relax – the importance of relaxation

What does it mean to be really chill? To be really relaxed?When I think of relaxation, I think of that state after you get out of the shower or the water after swimming or splashing around. Or the state after staring at a beautiful sunset for a long time. Or the state after waking up…


Overthinking si meditatie

Overthinking vine din frică. Da, din frică. Din frica de a porni afacerea aia pe care tot zici că o pornești. Din frica de a-ți da demisia de la job-ul ăla pe care îl urăști atât de mult. Din frica de a intra în vorbă cu femeia aia sau cu bărbatul ăla de care îți…

Speeding up


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